Monday 29/4/13 - Sunday 5/5/13 Days 180-186 of Project 365

Monday 29/4/13 - Sunday 5/5/13 Days 180-186 of Project 365

Monday #180 'Be A Knight' - Bud has discovered the joys of role play recently and takes every opportunity to dress up. He is a little obsessed with Mike the Knight and had to put his helmet on and bring his sword and 'Galahad' when we walked up to Grandma and Grandad's after tea tonight.

Tuesday #181 'Blank Canvas' - Bud has drawn on his sister twice recently! This was today's effort. Luckily he only has Crayola Washable pens so it comes straight off but we're trying to discourage it, obviously.

Wednesday #182 'Happy Birthday Matilda Mae' - The weather was gorgeous today and we took the opportunity to play outside after toddlers. It was a very special little angel's first birthday today and we blew bubbles up to her in the sky and pottered for a couple of hours.

Thursday #183 'Chasing the Sun' -  Red Rose Daddy and I had a rare opportunity to go out together tonight. I left the children with their grandparents and went into Manchester to meet him. Amazingly I managed to arrive 45 minutes early so I got the chance to sit on a deckchair in Spinningfields in the sunshine. The sun was rapidly disappearing behind the tall buildings and I kept having to move my deckchair along so I could stay in the sunshine.

Friday #184 'Baby in the Box' - I received a large box with lots of shredded paper in it today. It was the perfect size for Little Miss so I couldn't resist trying her out in it. She thought it was completely hilarious and chuckled for ages. So funny.

Saturday #185 'Decorating' - We are decorating Bud's Big Boy Bedroom at the moment and he wanted to help. He got to work 'painting' the walls with some water and a brush and was quite pleased with himself!

Sunday #186 'Breakfast' - Little Miss and I were having a bit of a lazy morning today while her Daddy helped Grandad to finish lining the walls in Bud's bedroom. I adore her in this sleepsuit and she looked so sweet, I couldn't resist a quick snap.

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