The Lullaby Trust

Two months ago we were out for a family day out when I took a moment to check Twitter on my phone. I spotted some news that was so shocking that I had to sit down. The lovely Jennie who blogs at Edspire had lost her beautiful baby daughter Matilda Mae at just nine months old. As the days passed it emerged that Matilda Mae had fallen victim to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and the blogging community became more aware of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID), the leading UK charity devoted to funding research into the unexpected death of infants.

Edspire and The Lullaby Trust

Twenty five years ago my baby cousin died from SIDS. This was in a time when SIDS was much more common than it thankfully is today. A large part of the reduction in cases is down to the safe sleep message that FSID have promoted over the years. Today FSID have announced that they are re-branding themselves as The Lullaby Trust in order to make themselves more approachable to parents and families, both in giving advice on the safe sleep message and in being there to support should the unthinkable happen.

I think the name change is a brilliant idea, it presents the charity as a warm, supportive organisation without the constant reminder of SID in their former name. In an ideal world The Lullaby Trust wouldn't be needed but while it is, I am glad that grieving parents and grandparents have somewhere to go for support in their darkest hours.