Monday 22/4/13 - Sunday 28/4/13, Photos 173-179 of Project 365

Monday 22/4/13 - Sunday 28/4/13, Photos 173-179 of Project 365

Monday #173 'Cupcakes' - Bud has been keen on baking lately so we got to work making orange spiced cupcakes today. This was a kit left over from Christmas and he really enjoyed the mixing, and eating the results!

Tuesday #174 'Hand in Hand' - We were out for a walk with my Brother and his family and Bud was holding hands with his cousin. They looked so sweet running along together.

Wednesday #175 'Planting' - Bud loves helping his Daddy in the garden and is very excited whenever the tools come out. They did some planting after work today. The only difficulty Bud has is in a little patience waiting for things to grow.

Thursday #176 'Yum' - Little Miss is really enjoying weaning. She loves trying out all the new flavours I have been introducing to her. We've had some pouches for review and this was a new one that we were trying out today.

Friday #177 'Gloom' - Bud went to play with his cousins today so Little Miss and I went for a walk. The sky was a really interesting mix of blue with gloomy, grey storm clouds.

Saturday #178 'Titanic' - We had a family day out in Liverpool today. Bud loves all the museums and adores a dressing up box. I took this in the Titanic exhibition at the Merseyside Maritime Museum where he created this interesting mixture of sailor and first class lady.

Sunday #179 'Afternoon Nap' - We've had a really busy weekend and Bud and his Daddy crashed out on the sofa this afternoon. They looked so sweet curled up together. 

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