#HealthySnackChat Round Up

Today I hosted a Twitter Party with three other bloggers which aimed to discuss healthy snacks for children. We more than succeeded and the conversation flowed freely. We trended within fifteen minutes and stayed within the top three on my UK trends for the rest of the hour. At times it was quite amusing as we were trending as #HealthySnackChat right above #Suarez, which, of course, refers to Luis Suarez biting Branislav Ivanovic at the weekend. I can confirm that footballers do not make a decent snack and it isn't too healthy either!

The lovely people at Cult Content have produced a summary of the content using Storify which recounts the party much better than a quick blog post ever could.

We had some terrific suggestions, like freezing softer fruits to offer a different texture, or dipping dried banana into Nutella for a treat. We also had photos of some gorgeous little ones eating their healthy snacks and some beautiful Bento boxes from Capture by Lucy.

Some fantastic prizes were on offer and I'm pleased to announce the winners.

The two picnic rucksacks were won by @cherylp59 and @thesoupdragon44

The four runners up prizes were won by @charliechinuk @AttachmentMumma @MyMummysWorld and @LifewithASD

Congratulations winners, enjoy your prizes! Thank you to everyone who joined in the interesting discussion.