Megson 'When I Was a Lad' - A Review

I've blogged many times before about music and my abiding love for it. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to introduce my children to music and to ensure that they enjoy it as I did. As a child I was surrounded by music. My Dad was a passionate fan of  everything from 70s glam rock to Irish folk music and I've inherited many of his favourites and, of course, found my own. I have strong memories of singing along to all kinds of songs on family trips and the radio was always on.

I'm always on the look out for music to share with Little Miss and Bud and keen to find music away from the standard range of character-driven children's CDs that we can enjoy together. I was sent a copy of 'When I Was a Lad' by Megson for us all to listen to.

Megson When I Was a Lad CD Cover

Megson are an award winning folk duo, Debbie and Stu Hanna, who have recently welcomed their baby daughter, Lola Wren. They sought to combine their new parenthood with their love of music and came up with an album of traditional and original children's folk songs.

Track Listing:
1. Bee-o
2. All The Shops Have Fallen Down
3. Jenny Jenkins
4. Oats & Beans & Barley Grow
5. The Riddle Song
6. Me Fathers Farm
7. Dance To Your Daddy
8. Baby & The Band
9. The Leatherwing Bat
10. A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
11. Five Little Ducks

We've really enjoyed listening to this CD. I was aware of Megson before listening although I've never owned any of their music I have enjoyed what I have heard before. We constantly have children's CDs on now as Bud regularly requests 'my music' so I added this to the rotation. The inclusion of songs like Dance To Your Daddy and Five Little Ducks was great as these were songs he knew with new arrangements and original compostiions like Baby & The Band have had us all singing along after just a few listens. Bud loves this song especially and shouts along with the chorus.

From a 'grown ups' point of view this CD is beautifully presented. The music is excellent and the Hannas' voices blend wonderfully together. I can see us enjoying it with or without the children. 

Megson are touring the UK this Summer. Visit Megson Music for more information. 

Disclaimer: We were sent this CD for the purpose of this review. All opinions are honest and unbiased.