Our First 2013 Trip to 'Our' Park

We seem to be experiencing four seasons in one day most days at the moment so it's been hard to get outside with the children as much as I would like. Jenny over at Mummy Mishaps tries to get outside with her boys for at least twenty minutes every day and we've been trying to do the same. It has been difficult and we haven't managed it every day but we are trying to get out more than we have been, even if it is just to scoot around the garden.

Last Friday the weather was sunny. It was cold but I decided we needed a trip to the park. We haven't been to our local park for weeks and, in view of the fact that it is only about a five minute walk away, that's a real shame. We've all been struggling with colds for a couple of weeks and Bud wasn't feeling a hundred percent but I hoped the park might perk him up. I knew I had some errands to run and I decided we would do this after the park.

We set off to the park and Bud started crying and asking to be carried almost immediately. I can't carry him and push the pram but we managed to get to the park without him getting too upset. As soon as we arrived on the park he was a new child. Running and jumping, swinging and sliding. Full of beans! We had the park to ourselves for most of the time we were there and  Bud loved being able to use whichever piece of equipment he wanted to.

Farnworth Park Play Toddler Small Boy

The weather was really beautiful and it was lovely to see blue skies overhead. We were also pleased to see that the drainage further into the park is being fixed. Our park is a useful cut through to the other side of town but we haven't been able to use it much recently as there has been a large and very deep puddle at the bottom of the hill. It looked like a crew were working on the problem so hopefully it will be fixed soon. A lot of the equipment was damp but Bud quickly put that to rights using my yellow Faye & Lou Rainbow muslin, As I tend to only look at these beautiful muslins, rather than actually putting them  to use, I suppose it was good to see one get a workout!

After around half an hour in the park we walked into town. This did not please Bud at all and he wailed all the way round the very few shops I managed to get to before deciding to abandon my list of jobs and just go home. He so rarely cries that it became clear that he really wasn't feeling well and as the blue skies of earlier were rapidly deteriorating into angry rain clouds it was a good idea to return home. It was lovely to get out into the sunshine, for as long as it lasted!
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall