A Car-Free Family

This weekend saw our courtesy car return to the hire company following our Renault Megane being written off and us start our life as a car-free family. I've decided to try and be positive about it and I'm not going to say 'without a car' or 'no car', we're going to be 'car-free!'

So far it hasn't been too bad. We've had a week of family birthdays and have been picked up by relatives to go out for two meals. My Brother had a get together for his birthday on Saturday night and we got a taxi for that. We would probably have done that anyway as Red Rose Daddy was planning to have a couple of beers.
Small boy toddler Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
At least Bud still has wheels

We're going away this weekend with the extended family and, luckily, enough cars are going that we will be able to get a lift, I didn't fancy getting the train with all our luggage and two children but of course we would have done if necessary. In the week it won't actually make masses of difference to me as I don't drive. The car used to sit outside the house all week as RRD gets the train to and from work. It is at the weekends where we will miss the ability to just hop in the car and go out. We won't be able to just pop round and see my parents as we usually do.

Our house is in a perfect spot to be without a car, we have a small town centre, doctor's surgery, library, toddler group, country park and three playgrounds all within walking distance. We also have my partner's parents and brother and his family within two streets. We don't need a car and it is a luxury for us but it is one that we have become accustomed to. I'm sure that when we can afford to get a replacement vehicle and do so that we will appreciate it much more than we did previously

I'm going to continue to blog about our car-free family life, wish us luck!