Welcome to Graco EVO Week

At the end of November I received an exciting email inviting me to become one of five mums to test the new Graco EVO. We've been putting it through its paces since December and, this week, I'm going to share a few posts about our experiences. We're definitely a Graco house and this is our third Graco pram. I'm also going to share a post about our first Graco - the Quattro Tour Travel System and another recent addition - the Trekko Duo Tandem which I've also been reviewing recently.

If you have any questions about either the Graco EVO or the Graco Trekko Duo Tandem please ask them below, or find me on Twitter @RedRoseMummy and I will do my best to answer them.

Check back throughout the rest of the week to see the rest of my posts!

Check out the Graco UK website, or 'like' them on Facebook or follow them on Twitter for more information.