Christmas Gift Ideas: Spin Mania from Drumond Park and a GIVEAWAY

We were recently offered the opportunity to review Spin Mania from Drumond Park and I knew that my Niece and Nephew would love to have a play with a brand new game. We've all been feeling a bit under the weather recently so I knew a game session with this would be the perfect pick me up.

Spin Mania Drumond Park Box Contents

The game is described as a 'a fast-paced game which puts your speed and agility to the test'. It is suitable for two or more players, from age six upwards. Players take it in turns to place the discs on the stand which makes them spin, when the disc is spinning they then use the tool pictured at the bottom of the above image to transfer the spinning disc onto one of the three purple stands. When the first disc starts spinning the players start the timer and the aim of the game is to be the quickest to transfer all three discs onto the three stands, ensuring all are still spinning. When the player has achieved this they stop the timer and place a peg in the hole nearest to the point of the arrow on the timing wheel, to show how much time has elapsed. The next player then takes their turn to try and beat the time. So far, so simple, no? Well, before the game starts the players agree a set playing area and then distribute the three stands around this area to make it more difficult to move them to the plate stand. You aren't allowed to hide them but you can make it tricky by, for example, placing them underneath a table. Two 'C' batteries are required to operate the spin-base (these aren't included).

Playing Spin Mania Drumond Park

We thought this would be an easy, fun game to play and we weren't disappointed. It isn't easy though! Once you get the plates spinning on the spin-base you imagine it will be quite easy to quickly pick it up using the tool and transfer it to a plate stand. It really isn't. We really struggled and frequently ran out of time before we got the hang of it. My Nephew was the first to grasp it and he quickly became very adept at popping the spinning discs onto their stands, my niece then got the hang of it but, I'm sorry to say neither I or my Sister in Law could manage it at all! We did have lots of fun playing though, and lots of laughs while we watched everyone attempt it. We all agreed that it was the kind of game that would be great fun to play on Christmas Day when all the family are round. It really is the kind of game that allows every one to play on an even playing field, as shown by the youngest player being the best at this, which means that everyone has fun.

It is worth pointing out that, despite the discs spinning really quickly, they instantly stop if they are touched so wouldn't hurt anyone if they were caught by it. The game is really good quality and each piece, especially each disc, is very sturdy. It isn't a traditional board game but that adds to the fun. I think it would make a great family Christmas present.

My niece (age 11) gave Spin Mania 8 out of 10 as it was 'very tricky to get the hang of, but fun' while my nephew (age 9) gave it 10 out of 10 and really wants to play the game with his Dad and Uncles at Christmas.   I can anticipate Spin Mania getting a regular airing at the family parties we have coming up over the holidays. We just have to get Grandad involved now too!

Spin Mania retails ar £22:99 but Amazon currently have it half price on special offer at £11:49. For other stockists please visit or call 01506 855577. You can also find Drumond Park on Facebook and on Twitter

Disclaimer: I received Spin Mania free of charge for review purposes but the thoughts and opinions contained within this post are, as usual all my own and those of my family.


I'm really pleased to be able to offer my readers the opportunity to win their own Spin Mania game. To enter please complete the Rafflecopter details below and make sure you read the Terms and Conditions.The giveaway will end at 11:59 on Tuesday 18/12/12, I'm sorry but we can't guarantee delivery in time for Christmas. 

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