Review: Amarya Beauty Box

Last week I was lucky enough to be chosen as the winner of an Amarya Beauty Box from a competition on their  Facebook page. Amarya is an online natural and organic beauty retailer who have recently launched a Beauty Box scheme. This seems to be quite a trend at the moment and a few companies are offering similar, whereby you pay £10 a month to receive a surprise beauty parcel each month. Amarya is different thought because they offer only natural beauty products and they also offer one full size product, worth at least £20, and a selection of samples in each box.

I received my box this morning and thought I would tell you all about it...

The postman will knock on your door with a white shoebox-shaped parcel which you open up to find

another lovely white box tied up in pink ribbon, with a card welcoming me to my first box. Upon investigating further I found, in addition to the aforementioned lovely white box, a leaflet showing the Amarya range and a gorgeous white cotton shopping bag. I absolutely love bags like this and always have a couple stashed in my changing bag for 'emergencies' (mainly to stash Bud's dirty clothes if I have to change him when I'm out and about or, more often, for shopping trips) so this will be a welcome addition to my burgeoning collection.   

So, time to open the lovely white box. You open up the tissue paper to find a little booklet, tied up with more pink ribbon, explaining the contents of your box, with the products lurking beneath.

I received the following products:
and they looked like this (except the sachets - I forgot those)

I've tried all the products apart from the sachets now and am extremely impressed. I was already familiar with Ren and Lavera but the Madara range was new to me. It is a Latvian company and I think they are quite new to the UK. The Tinting Fluid is fab. I've only tried it on the back of my hand but it blended really well and smells amazing. It promises to 'even out skin tone and leave you with fresh and radiant skin', I'm not a massive foundation wearer, I find it too heavy on my skin, so this could well be a lighter, lovelier alternative for me.

The Lavera hand cream contains organic shea butter and almond oil and is really reasonably priced for the full 75ml size at £3:75. This too smelled lovely and was very moisturising on my hands.

The Ren eye gel is actually my usual eye gel so I was really pleased to receive the tiny travel size. The full size product of this is 15ml and retails at £18:00. This gel is really light and cooling and really refreshes my eyes when they are tired or sore. As I have allergies this is quite often and this has been the best eye gel I have tried to relieve the heaviness around my eyes that I suffer from as a result of these.

The Dr Hauschka sachet products retail in excess of £50:00 each so I will save those for when I have some pampering time to try out properly.

The little booklet also contains a code where you can get 15% off the brands contained in your box, should you need to repeat buy, or upgrade to the full size.

I was really pleased with my lovely Amarya prize and am sorely tempted to sign up. If I was working I definitely would be doing so but my subscription might have to wait a little while. I think it might make a lovely Christmas gift for someone special in your life, and at £10 per month (the money is taken by Direct Debit or Paypal) you could spread the cost easily. There is no contract and you can cancel your deliveries at any point. There is a really good FAQ page on the website which will answer any questions you have. They also have a 'Refer a Friend' scheme whereby, if you want to sign up, you can e mail Amarya with your name, the date you joined and your friend's name and you each get a free box for one month! I think I may well be returning to Amarya when finances allow.

Rating: 9/10

I received my Amarya Beauty Box as a competition prize and have chosen to review it of my own accord. I have received no incentive from Amarya to do so.