Mini Milestones - Pouches

One of the things I have found since becoming a parent is the importance of all the little milestones to you, as well as the more obvious 'biggies' (sitting up, standing, walking etc) and it seems like we have had a week of them.

This is a bit of a silly one but I still felt proud, Bud fed himself from a pouch. If you don't know what I mean by pouch, they are the baby food sachets which have those plastic lids that are designed for your little one to feed themselves from. Bud has struggled with them so I've always had to squeeze the pouch into a bowl and feed it to him with a spoon, which defeats the point of the convenience of the pouch. He doesn't have them very often but Ella's Kitchen sent us a free sample of 'The Orange One'  which is a new addition to their range of fruit smoothies. We are big Ella's Kitchen fans in our house and I think Bud has tried most of their range so far. Their products appeal to me as they are organic and natural.

I decided to try Bud, yet again, to see if he could work it out himself. You simply snap the seal by twisting the top and off it pops. I gave this to Bud and he really surprised me by eating it all up. He had a few breaks so I could squeeze the smoothie up to the top and he could get more out but had no problems with the pouch itself. I've always put his inability to work pouches out before down to him never actually having had a bottle but it looks like he has sussed it now. To be honest he has probably been able to do it for a while but it has been a couple of months since we last attempted it.

'The Orange One' is a great snack for your toddler, and would be great for school lunchboxes. It contains no nasties, like added sugar, salt or water.It is just a blend of oranges, guavas, mangoes, banana and a bit of lemon juice so it can be one of your child's 'five a day' too. All the fruit used is 100% organic. The range includes five flavours so there should be one for every child. I will definitely be buying more of these, mainly to keep in my changing bag for snacking on the go. The pouches don't need to be refrigerated so it won't matter if Bud doesn't eat them for a couple of weeks which is great! Definitely another winning product from Ella's Kitchen.

If you visit the Ella's Kitchen wesbite you can become their friend. They will send you a free weaning guide and 500 new members each month will also be sent one of the fab Terracycle lunchboxes, made from empty, recycled food pouches.

Ella's Kitchen Fruit Smoothies are currently available in Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Toys'r'us and Ocado. 
Price: 69p per 90g
Rating: 5/5

I received this pouch as part of Ella's Kitchen's promotion where they sent out 15,000 free samples of this product. Keep an eye on their website to look for future product launches when they may have more samples available.